
Of Vampires And Rockstars ch 2

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Chapter 2  - No Rest for the Broken, the Beaten and the Damned

“Gerard! Gerard!” A beautiful woman in a long black and red dress was looking from room to room in a fluster asking guests and servants alike if they’d seen him “Gerard! Has anyone seen Gerard or Mikey?”

“No ma’am, not all day and not since night fall either” one of the maids answered the woman. The maid was placing one of the many candles that were spread throughout the house on a nearby table.

“How are the candles coming” the woman asked putting her hand on her forehead. The maid gave a titter.

“The candles are coming along just fine and will be ready on time just like Gerard. You worry too much ma’am, he would never disappoint you by being late especially not today. It’s such an important day for all of us and it’s only ten o clock”       

“I know…he can get so caught up sometimes though…” she sighed her hand slipping from her forehead. She smiled softly “He is such a good boy. I’m so glad its him…” Suddenly two hands covered her eyes and she jerked with surprise.

“Guess who?” came a voice laced with excitement followed by the chuckling of many other voices.

“Gerard!” she exclaimed in a mock scolding tone and pulled away turning to face him and the members of the band “Hey boys where have you all been?”

“Just playing at a concert” Frank explained flippantly “And it was great! They went absolutely wild”

“Wait till you play next time” the woman said knowingly “They won’t be able to take their eyes off you”

“So it’ll be the same as ever?” Ray replied with a grin.

“You’ll see” she said resisting the urge to roll her eyes “Now go get ready…uh Mikey, Gerard can I have a word”

“Sure we’ll catch up with you guys” Gerard agreed as the rest of the band walked away. She took Mikey in her arms hugging him tight.

“Good luck Mikey, I’m so proud of how far you’ve come and how grown up you are. It seems silly to say since you’re 20, you’re a man now, but it’s true” she sighed glowing with pride.  

“Aww it’s not silly to say and don’t worry about it. I love you and thank you for all you’ve done for us. My Chemical Romance is where it is because of your support, you believed in us when no one else did” Mikey said gently kissing her hand “Try not to get too upset. We’ll see you after the show” he added grinning and giving Gerard a sideways glance as he followed after the rest of the band.

She looked to Gerard with a questioning smile.


His mouth turned upwards mischievously at her.

“Don’t worry, you’ll love it” he said.

“As long as it’s passionate, dramatic and full of life I know I will” she replied cheerily, reaching out brushing his long fringe out of his eyes and touching his cheek. Suddenly her face seemed to fall a little “You look so handsome and healthy today”

“What? I look as white a ghost” Gerard said still smiling though a little more curiously.

“No…you’re practically blushing in my eyes…even with the makeup” she said sadly “I’m sorry you have to do this darling” he took the hand that was brushing his cheek and held it there.

“I’m not” he said resolutely meeting her gaze “I’m the luckiest man in the world to get this opportunity, I promise. Now I want you to go in there, sit down and watch the expressions of our beloved extended family” slowly she nodded. Her free hand rose to the other side of his face and she tilted his head down kissing his forehead.

“I’ll see you afterwards Gerard,” she said letting him go. He took a deep bow with a flourish.

“Absolutely” he said and ran off obviously giddy to surprise her. She laughed as he ran down to the end of the hall, turning to look back only once before he disappeared through the doorway his last three words reaching her in his wake.

“He’s such a fine young man, Lady Helena” the maid commented before walking on.

“I know”

*                                                    *                                                  *

Joe turned the wheel and slammed on the breaks allowing the car to slide up to the steps of the abandoned school they were using as their base. Pete launched himself out of the car door, arms trying to shield himself as he bolted up the steps through the gathering light and unlocked the doors jumping through them with a shout of pain. They all breathed a sigh of relief glad Pete had made it. Joe put the car into gear and drove it into the gymnasium then got out and pulled the huge roller door closed so they were finally safe inside.

"Ahhh" Andy sighed loudly as he got out of the car and stretched "What a night! Thank god we're home huh?" Patrick nodded sitting in his seat nursing his wounds next to Gerard.    

"You ok to patch yourself up or do you want some help?" Joe asked Patrick, offering him a hand. Patrick took Joe's hand pulling himself painfully to his feet. He hadn't taken such a bad beating in a long time but he smiled firmly through the pain.   

"Nah I'll be ok" Patrick said dismissively "You guys go fix the doors and I'll find somewhere for Gerard to sleep” Once Andy and Joe had disappeared from sight Patrick slumped against the car exhaustedly and looked over his shoulder at Gerard. He was staring vacantly out into space with his dark eyes, unmoving and unblinking and for a horrible second Patrick thought he might be dead. He reached in to shake him when he spoke.

"I'm still breathing" he said simply his gaze growing dimmer. It now occurred to Patrick that they really didn't know each other at all and that they hadn't even really formally introduced themselves. He wondered why this seemingly random singer had risked his life to save Patrick’s when he had never met him before. Now that the panic had died down Patrick also realized it was his fault Gerard had been so badly injured. He guiltily sat back down into the car seat which covers already were smeared with his blood. He looked over at Gerard an apologetic tone in his voice.

"Hey I'm really sorry dude" Patrick said softly "You told me not to talk to that vampire but I did and that's why you got hurt"

"Don’t worry about it" Gerard said smoothly looking over at Patrick and displaying a weak impish smile "If I want to throw myself in the line of fire that's my business not yours"   

"I guess…" Patrick said not suspiciously but questioningly.

"You look like you’re in pretty bad shape" Gerard commented before Patrick could say anything else.

"Yeah" Patrick said trying to ignore the throbbing in most of his body.

“Why don’t you go tend to your wounds? Then you can show me a place to sleep” Gerard offered.

“Alright” Patrick agreed “But come with me you might see a room you like on the way there” Gerard agreed and the both of them got out of the car and headed for sick bay. Once they had left the small gymnasium they turned right and walked down a long corridor.

“What is this place?” Gerard asked as he studied the ornate architraves and design of the architecture in the hallway they were walking through.

“For a little while this place was a private school for rich kids. But originally it was actually an old fashioned house. Some rich guy donated it and it was extended and renovated to become a school. That’s why some bits of it, like some of the classrooms and the gymnasium, look new while the main part of it looks old. That was not too long before the vampire problem became serious. Once the city wasn’t safe anymore the parents left taking their kids with them so the school inevitably closed down” Patrick explained every now and then gritting his teeth against the pain.

“How do you know this?” Gerard asked. Patrick paused for a moment of silence.

“Do you know who we are?” Patrick asked looking back at Gerard.

“You’re the Clandestine Vampire Hunters aren’t you?” he replied with little reserve then held out his hand startling Patrick “I’m guessing Patrick Stump?” Patrick reached out with his uninjured arm and shook his hand warmly.

“Yeah” Patrick said almost shyly.

“Keeping the city from toppling into chaos and the only vampire hunters left right?” Gerard continued letting go of Patrick’s hand.

“Right again” Patrick nodded walking on “We’re here” He pushed open a door to reveal a small room with a few beds one of them strewn with medical supplies and bandages.  

“Sick bay would certainly come in handy to you guys no doubt” Gerard mentioned as Patrick sat down on the messy bed and started digging through the supplies.

“Yeah half the time it causes just as many problems as it solves… when Joe comes in here later to patch up his leg he’s gonna freak” Patrick almost laughed.


“Because he and Andy are neat freaks and they haven’t been in here for a while. Pete and me don’t exactly care as much about mess so as you can see the medical supplies are not on the shelves or in the draws like they are supposed to be they are here on the bed” Patrick said giving a small victory laugh when he found the antiseptic and bandages. Gerard sniggered cracking a grin.

“So you can laugh, that’s good” Patrick remarked as he set about cleaning and dressing his wounds but not before downing a few pain killers “To answer your question before, we know about this school because on the night we busted in here we found a big poster on the wall that had the school’s short history all printed out for the non-existent students. It had already been a few years since it had been abandoned when we found it. The windows were conveniently boarded up; some even had nice heavy curtains on them so those of us who still occasionally like to see the sun can crack the curtains without effecting Pete too much. The doors and windows were locked on the inside so once we broke in here we increased security and now its almost impossible to get in without the keys” When Gerard didn’t say anymore Patrick took it as a cue to continue.

“I remember the night we first came here well. Our car had broken down and we were running from the Dandies and like today dawn was coming…it seems like we’re always cutting things close.... It got so bad that the Dandies actually retreated expecting to finally be rid of Pete. We saw this house just over the hill and made a break for it only just getting inside in time. Once Pete managed to smash the doors down we searched high and low for a dark place for Pete to hide. He got into such a frenzy he knocked over one of the lockers down in the locker bay and jumped in it” Patrick paused to chuckle “We’ve made so much fun of him for using a locker but getting a coffin around here is more difficult than it use to be. It’s kind of ironic that this place has become so much like our home since none of us ever really liked school…we call his locker a coffin now, it’s just a stupid running joke”

“You were the odd ones out at school weren’t you?” Gerard said exploring the small room with a hint of nostalgia.

“You could say that” Patrick agreed tying up the last bandage.   

“…You’re not as quiet or shy as they make you out to be” Gerard said meeting Patrick’s gaze sincerely.

“They often don’t know what they’re talking about” Patrick replied playfully, “So what do you think?” He added gesturing to the room. Gerard had a sweeping look.

“Well I suppose it’s not bad, good and dark which is important for sleeping during the day...dry and-” suddenly Gerard’s eyes rolled upwards and he grasped a bedpost looking as though he might pass out. Patrick jumped up worriedly and Gerard’s hand shot out pointing the bed “is that…is that an injection?” Patrick eyed the bed seeing the undesirable object.

“Uh huh” Patrick nodded giggling and walking over to steady him.

“No” Gerard said decisively turning quickly to face the door “No I don’t think I’ll sleep here”  

“Alright there are plenty other rooms just as good” Patrick led Gerard out with a loud yawn “I hate injections too…God I’m tired” Eventually they staggered into the room one of Pete’s lockers was lying in, he had a dozen strewn out through the small school so he could pick and chose where he slept. Mostly Pete liked to sleep in the one in the gymnasium though as it was the biggest and most comfortable. Patrick collapsed onto a large couch utterly exhausted.   

“I’m sorry Gerard I’m so tired, there are plenty of places around here to sleep though so you can wonder around if you like” Patrick said sleepily dozing off mere moments later. Gerard watched him for a moment before walking over to the curtains and opening them just a crack. He gazed briefly upon the unkempt and overgrown garden dew glistening in the morning sunlight. Then turned his eyes to the glossy window’s of the city most of whose residents were now going to sleep. He closed his eyes feeling the caress of the suns rays on his face and he almost cried. He let the curtains go fading the room back into the eternal darkness.

“Remember when the people use to love the sun, Patrick?” he asked knowing full well he would receive no answer stroking the soft fabric of the curtains “Remember when people use to be unafraid to sleep at night when it’s the normal thing to do anyway? Before they realized to defend themselves they would have to live in the night as well” he touched his face feeling the heat still there.

*                                                   *                                                   *

Pete’s eyes shot open seeing nothing but the three slits in the locker door letting light through. His body was shivering and he swallowed hard trying to rid himself of the dryness in his throat. He opened the door weakly realizing he hadn’t had his potion in over a week. He sniffed at the air trying to figure out which of his companions was closest by scent.

“Joe!” he groaned squeezing his eyes tight shut not wanting to see the blood in Joe’s veins. He held his head trying to contain the dizziness and the emotions threatening to flood over. The feeling of wanting to drink another lifeblood was an overwhelmingly powerful one. Normally Pete was quite good at bashing this feeling down and controlling it but after having to heal his friends the night before the taste of blood was still in his mouth reminding him of how good blood felt. He licked his lips absentmindedly though the blood was long gone.

“Joe!” Pete shouted desperation in his voice. Joe staggered into the room in a t-shirt, boxers and covered in new bandages.

“What? I thought I asked you to let us sleep in” Joe yawned before he saw Pete’s pallid face and pained expression “Are you ok?”

“No and don’t come any closer!” he exclaimed holding out a hand as Joe took a step forward “Get Patrick! I need the blend and I don’t think I can make it myself!”    

“Right!” Joe said firmly pelting out of the room. Pete fell back into the locker pulling the doors shut tight and holding them closed with shaking hands.

*                                                   *                                                   *

A very stressed Joe shook Patrick awake.

“What the hell Joe? I thought we were sleeping in today!?” Patrick growled swatting Joe’s hand away and turning over.

“Listen Pete needs his blend!” Joe said frantically shaking him again.

“Well he can get it, he knows how to make it” Patrick said dismissively.

“You don’t understand dude he NEEDS it, he can’t get it himself and if you don’t hurry we’re going to have to force-feed it to him” Joe shouted and Patrick’s eyes shot back open. He sat up his mind briefly noting that there was a blanket over him when he was sure he didn’t have one when he’d fallen asleep.

“It’s that serious?” Patrick asked stumbling off the couch still groggy and whimpering from the sudden cold.

“Yeah! Come on!” Joe exclaimed and they both ran out of the room and down to the gymnasium. When they burst back into the room Patrick saw Pete’s shut locker rattling and heard him snarling quietly inside.

“Hang on Pete!” Patrick shouted running over to the table strewn with ingredients and started loading up the blender they now used to create the tonic that helped Pete maintain strength over his vampire impulses. Joe walked over to their practise area and grabbed his net gun. He walked back and reluctantly took aim at the locker. Patrick’s eyes flicked over at Joe and nodded in approval. They had never had to subdue Pete before but if the occasion called for it they would exercise force. The harsh sound of the blender whirred loudly and both Patrick and Joe jumped at the noise. The second the mixture looked drinkable Patrick pulled it off its stand and walked over to Pete’s locker.

He slowly opened the doors and Pete sat bolt up. His wide eyes were looking darker than usual though he hadn’t put his eyeliner on yet and he glared at Patrick. Patrick got the strange sensation of looking upon a vampire that wanted to devour him and he held out the blend. Pete took it in one shaking hand and sculled it all gasping for air as he finished, the tomato red mixture oozing down his neck. He felt it quenching the thirst in his throat and the starvation that begged for blood faded. He felt it fill his stomach like a meal and his quaking body slowly became still again. His harsh glare softened to an apologetic gaze and both Joe and Patrick sighed in unison. Pete opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but Patrick cut across him.

“Morning, Sunshine” he said in a near exasperated voice crouching down to Pete’s level “You woke us up early Pete. We’re not pleased about that…” he paused as if struck by a fantastic idea “…so I want you to do an errand for me ok?” Pete sat silently confused for a moment before he realized Patrick was waiting for an answer.

“Oh ok” he agreed wiping his neck which he just realized was still wet with the blend.

“I want you to go out and get supplies. We need more bread and butter-” Patrick began.

“And soy milk and fruit” Joe added with a grin “and mnm’s and bacon”

“You know just the basics” Patrick finished as Pete’s look of confusion turned to one of annoyance.

“Dude-” Pete began but Patrick held up a hand in a silencing motion then stood and walked over to one of the lockers.

“Since we’re all fairly sore and tired we’re also gonna need many DVD’s to facilitate our recovery over the next few days as well as pop corn, junk food and booze” Patrick continued as he unlocked the locker and threw Pete a wallet “Think you can remember all that?” Pete grinned leaping to his feet.

“I think I can manage it” he said coolly “What are you guys gonna do?”

“Go back to bed of course” Joe said rolling his eyes.  

“Yeah when you get back you can wake us up,” Patrick agreed slumping into the chair Pete often used in his counselling sessions with the preacher. Patrick wondered about their usefulness sometimes, as Pete would often come out of the gymnasium tiny nail polish bottle held tightly in his fist no less upset about his stage of being. Sometimes he even seemed more upset.

“Hey and no theatrics either just go out and come back. Don’t fight anyone, don’t start anything” Joe warned. He was no less violent either. However the holy water did tend to give him an un-natural power that was something like the effect crucifixes had on vampires in movies. His hands could scorch their skin, stun and even kill if Pete was angry enough. It was like Pete was delivering the wrath of god himself. Then again, Patrick thought wistfully, that myth about crucifixes being effective against vampires was exactly that; a myth. On one of their first few nights out hunting they had naively worn crosses as form of protection. The cross he was wearing had been ripped off an eaten by the vampire he was fighting. They had also discovered that any light other than sunlight was harmless and garlic was also ineffectual. Fire though was deadly, a sure way to kill a vampire, as well as sunlight and silver steaks.   

“Yeah, yeah mum. I’ll be back before you can say The Nightmare Before Christmas” Pete said giving them a quick wave before he disappeared into the hallway that lead to the front door.

“See you in a few” Joe said his farewell to Patrick heading back to his room.

“Yeah sure” Patrick muttered snuggling further down into the seat. He had the amazing ability to sleep anywhere and here seemed as good a place as any. It wasn’t long before the excitement of Pete’s wake up call faded and Patrick relaxed completely. He was after all still low on blood after loosing so much during last night’s fight. His breathing steadied and soon he had drifted off to sleep.

*                                                   *                                                   *

“Thank you very much!” Patrick shouted into the microphone wiping his forehead as the multitudes screamed.

“You’ve been fucking great!!” Pete roared raising the cheer an octave louder “And we’ll see you round!”

They gave the crowd a brief wave before they exited the stage leaving the bright lights and vast room of fans behind. The corridor leading away from the stage was dimly lit and filled with good friends and the backstage crew. Patrick smiled at the hint of cool air flowing through the passage and greeted people as they moved along. They saw Travis and his band of the Gym Class Heroes who tonight only played the part of friends. They laughed and praised each other and collapsed onto a nearby couch in the lounge area to chat. Patrick talked for a while before hearing an interesting conversation between Andy and Travis.

“Are you serious dude?” Travis asked Andy with one raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, look it’s the Decay Dance hand shake. Anyone who signs under Pete’s label is part of the team right?” Andy said gesturing at Pete who was no doubt planning something mischievous with Dirty as they were both grinning from ear to ear and talking excitably.

“Right so?” Travis replied.

“Well every team needs a secret handshake, I’ve taught it to the others already” Andy said holding out his hand. Travis smiled.

“Alright” he sighed “How does it go?” Patrick watched the two in what looked like a complicated game of arm wrestling till out of the corner of his eye he saw Pete sneaking towards the exit.   

“What are you doing?” Patrick asked walking over and Pete jumped a little before turning around.

“I’m just going outside to see some old friends. You know Chris and the rest of them. Dirty told me they wanted to see me and after all this is our first night back in Chicago...” Pete explained opening the door then added in a whisper “As Fall Out Boy and as the Clandestine Vampire Hunters. They’ll want to know that we’re ok”

“Sure” Patrick said “I think I’ll stay in here, have fun and say hi for me”

“I will” Pete called as the door swung shut. Patrick went back and joined the cheerful commotion but he couldn’t help feeling wary of Pete’s absence. He couldn’t shake the sense that something bad was going to happen. Two hours passed and Pete didn’t return from outside.

“Hey I’m gonna go check on Pete” Patrick told Joe before leaving through the same door Pete had a while ago. The night outside was cold but the street lights lit up the empty car park lot in an eerie glow. There was no-one in sight.

“Pete?” Patrick called nervously “If this is one of your fucking pranks I am going to kill you” but no reply came. A car drove past. A leaf flittered across the concrete and Patrick noticed something he hadn’t before. There was a stain glinting on the asphalt in the light. It was still wet and had scuff marks leading from it as if from a struggle. Patrick moved closer holding his breath fear creeping up every bone in his spine. It was blood. Patrick gasped stifling a shout and he pelted back inside.

“JOE, ANDY! Pete’s gone!” Patrick exclaimed before addressing the rest of the room “I think there might be vampire’s around so we should all head back to our homes!” everyone in the room started to panic.

“HEY!” Joe shouted over the noise “Everyone calm down, call for someone to pick you up. When we are sure that everyone’s ride is here we’ll all leave at once. Vampires tend not to attack large groups as much as smaller ones or people on their own” there was a hustling of people pulling out mobiles and dialling.

“What happened with Pete, where is he?” Andy asked as Patrick’s expression was worried.

“I have no idea! He went outside a couple of hours ago to talk to some friends” Patrick said fretfully then groaned “Oh my god Pete, he has to be ok”

“Maybe he just went home” Joe offered trying to calm himself as much as he was trying to calm Patrick.

“No I found a puddle of fresh blood out there...someone’s been attacked” Patrick said frantically.

“Ok we have to keep a level head about this. Let’s call him” Joe said and they all pulled out their mobiles.

“No” Andy said putting his slowly back in his pocket.

“Nothing...” Joe said closing his.

“His phone’s not on...” Patrick said tapping one foot “What’ll we do?”

“Right now I think we should all go home” Andy suggested “if he doesn’t contact us in another hour then we should get our weapons and go looking for him” he added quietly.

“Yeah” Joe nodded in agreement.

They waited till everyone had safely left then they each ventured out to their separate homes. Patrick ran into his house and locked the door behind him. He stared into his dark house realizing that his parents must be asleep already. Patrick dropped his bag in the hallway and began to pace feverishly in the living room. As he passed the coffee table he swiped the home phone off it and kept pacing. Though Patrick moved around the objects in the room his mind was not in it focusing solely on his missing best friend.

“Pete...oh Pete, Pete where the hell are you?” Patrick growled through his teeth his heart beating painfully in his chest. He collapsed onto the couch and fidgeted staring ruefully at the phone wishing he had gone outside with Pete. Hours passed but still Patrick wandered around the living room restlessly eventually deciding wash his face. He walked into the bathroom not bothering to turn on the light and leaned over the sink. He turned the tap and let the water run for a little while before splashing his face. Patrick’s mind registered vaguely that he still smelt of sweat from the show. His stomach gave a lurch as the image of the blood in the empty car park flashed through his mind.

“Pete where are you” he whispered again as he had many times over the course of the night. Slowly Patrick looked up into the black mirror lit by the moon shining through the bathroom window. His reflection only stared back at him for a second, pale and stricken with concern, before melting into another ghostly image. It was a laughing face with a Cheshire cat smile and Patrick immediately recognised it.
Flecks of brown hair and flashes of bright eyes that could only belong to Pete swam into focus. He was laughing though Patrick could hear nothing. Other faces appeared around him from the darkness. They were faces from old memories of school, jobs and the beginning of their bands formation, faces of friends.

“Chris? Patrick breathed out almost smiling to see the lot of them sniggering and grinning together. Patrick almost felt relief touch his tight chest. Almost. The looks on their faces didn’t seem quite right though; Pete’s being the only one truly glowing. Though they were going through the motions of enjoyment there was no life in their eyes.

“Pete” Patrick said his voice resonating with warning tones but Pete didn’t respond. Suddenly another face appeared behind him but this one was staring right at Patrick as though he was the only one that could see through the mirror. He was quite handsome with a glinting gaze and unruly shoulder length locks hidden partially by a bowler hat. He brought a finger to his lips issuing a silent ‘shhhhh’.

“Pete!” Patrick shouted whacking the mirror with a palm “Pete!”

The man smiled revealing two long fangs then leant forward in one fluid movement and bit into Pete’s neck. Patrick jumped as the small bathroom filled with Pete’s agonised shriek.

“PETE!” Patrick roared slamming at the mirror as Pete began to sink to the ground and the faces of his friends faded back into shadow, all but Patrick abandoning him “Get the fuck off him!!!”

The vampire leaned back looking euphoric as Pete lay bleeding on the ground. The vampire watched him with a strange kind of awe before grabbing him by the shirt and picking him up. Patrick could hear everything since Pete had screamed. He could hear the moaning wind and the crackling leaves under the vampire’s feet as he carried Pete away.

“NOO!” Patrick shouted as the vampire vanished from view. The mirror swirled with dull colours before re-forming on Pete’s wan face. This time he was lying on a couch and appeared to be awake but unable to move, perhaps from losing so much blood. The room seemed to be a large bedroom. The vampire was sitting on the end of an exquisite bed watching him like a statue, unmoving and strangely tranquil. Patrick’s brow knitted together in hate for such a calm, cold guise.   

“I see you are awake” he said suddenly and Pete groaned a little trying to sit up “Relax I will not harm you further. There would be no point” Pete’s hand flew to his throat and his eyes widened when he pelt the puncture wounds there.
“ drank from me” Pete said in a husky voice.

“I did more than that, I turned you” The vampire said softly. Pete staggered to his feet holding onto the chair and Patrick gasped.

“What?! No you fucking didn’t” Pete swore.

“You know of the process? I drain you till you are only sustained by the tiniest amount of blood. On the edge of death and then you drink my blood” he explained.
“I didn’t drink your blood!” Pete shouted eyes wide as his mind raced trying to remember what had happened since he passed out.

“But you did Peter, you did” the vampire continued.

“How do you know my name?” Pete asked an expression of fear dawning on his face as Patrick’s anger turned to confusion.

“When a vampire drinks another’s blood especially to the point of death it is like the two souls merge and all feeling and sensation combine. It is the greatest and most beautiful experience one can have. I know your feelings, I know your moods and I know who you are Peter Wentz” the vampire said eyes almost shimmering “Do you remember anything about me you could not know otherwise?”
Pete began to back away.

“I know your’s William” Pete said horrified.

“Yes, but most of my clan calls me Beckett” the vampire said with glee “You probably don’t recall drinking from me, but I assure you it is the only way...” he added with a strange air. Patrick frowned at this odd tone but Pete was not paying much attention to Beckett’s actions.  

“Come now” Beckett said standing and walking over to Pete then held out his hand “Join my clan”

“No!” Pete shouted then turned pelting away from the vampire and out of the room. For the first time Patrick saw Beckett’s expression turn to one of displeasure.

“Brendon” he called and another vampire seemed to materialize beside him. This vampire was also striking with far shorter hair and lovely dark eyes.

“Yes Beckett?” he asked smoothly.

“If he will not join us he must die” the taller vampire announced “Take him”

Brendon took a few steps before speeding to a run. Pete was already down the large staircase that led to the lobby, clumsy in his new vampire body when Brendon caught up to him. He looked down at Pete from a few levels up and laughed bounding off the higher level and landing gracefully on the ground.

“Pete stairs are for mortals” he said as Pete shoved open the large doors leading to the outside with ease and stumbled out; falling down the stairs that lead to the garden path. He looked at his arm and was horrified to see it twisted at a strange angle. He staggered back to his feet and snapped his arm back into place with a cry Patrick groaned as he did. Brendon leapt down the stairs and Pete took flight again. He ran down the road chased by Brendon all the way. Patrick could see the city lights in the near distance and realized that Beckett’s house must be high on one of the hills overlooking the city. He also noticed the winding road Pete was running down had a sheer drop on one side. Brendon was drawing ever closer and Patrick, frustrated by his helplessness, began to smash at the mirror with his fists.

“PETE!” He grinded his teeth and snarled desperately, large cracks etching their way closer to the centre of the mirror “PETE!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!”

“Pete why don’t you just give in and join us? Being a vampire is not bad, it’s a gift of eternal life and salvation. You will never grow old, you will never die, you will never know pain, you will be powerful and you will be wiser than any other human” Brendon tried to reason with him, not even short of breath despite the pace he was running at.

“Fuck you!” Pete shouted, focusing on getting away “I won’t kill other people just so I can live forever! I don’t want to live forever especially if it is without the people I love. And I won’t be Beckett’s slave!”

“Human vices are so pathetic” Brendon growled getting irritated.  

It all happened so quickly Patrick almost missed it. Brendon, tired of the chase, sped up bearing down on Pete and Pete seeing his fate slipping into the vampire’s gloved clutches shoved himself to the side and off the cliff. Patrick’s eyes widened, the mirror finally smashing, shards jabbing into his knuckles. In the falling pieces that were pulling the picture apart Patrick saw Pete’s frozen scream as the darkness swallowed him. Patrick’s bloody hands flew to his mouth holding in the choked cry as the broken pieces of the mirror twinkled on the floor. He felt he couldn’t breathe. He could hear a groan but wasn’t sure if it was his as he fell to his knee’s trying to come to terms with his best friend death. Pete was dead. He had fallen off a cliff. He could feel hot tears welling up in his eyes when he noticed that in the broken mirror a fractured image remained. There was a figure walking down a road under harsh street lights. There was blood dripping from him and he seemed to be dragging his feet. He looked up through his dirty brown fringe.
Patrick nearly had a heart attack as the shrill ring of the phone on the basin shrieked through the silence. When he looked back the picture was gone. He snatched the phone in one shaking hand and drew a quick breath through his teeth only now noticing how injured his hands were.

“He-hello?” Patrick stuttered unintentionally.

“Patrick it’s me Joe!” Joe blurted out “Pete’s here at my house but he’s really badly hurt you have to get over here!”

“I’ll be there!” Patrick shouted and hung up. He bolted out of the bathroom, down the stairs and into the street all the while the same name and plea ran over his tongue like a mantra.

“Please let him be ok”

When Patrick finally reached Joes he threw open the front door. Dirty was in the living room watching a horror movie but when Patrick came in he looked up.

“They’re down in the basement, boss” he said jabbing a finger in the direction of the stairs. Patrick bolted down the stairs and threw open the door. It looked like a critical emergency ward in the basement. The walls of the small room had smudges and splatters of blood that were wiped across them and scuffs on the floor. Joe and Andy were standing beside a lounge chair that was dripping with red liquid and there sitting in it like a twisted throne was Pete wrapped in white sheets stained with his blood. His face was unbelievably pale and he was shaking uncontrollably, hideous gashes and wounds on his face and arms. Patrick felt sick when he even considered what might be under the sheets. He took a step back.

“Patrick you’re bleeding...” he gurgled reaching out revealing a particularly bad slash on that wrist which showed a hint of bone and his eyes rolled back at the scent of blood “Trick you’ve gotta help me” Patrick backed away further nausea threatening to overpower him. He looked frantically from Joe to Andy but they just stood there staring blankly away eyes faded to a milky colour. Suddenly Pete began to rise but it seemed as though only his top half was moving…stretching…reaching towards him.

“NO!” Patrick yelled tripping on the stairs and Pete’s eyes went dim as his mouth opened and canines elongated.


Teeth sunk painfully into the soft flesh of Patrick’s neck.
Chapter 3 - [link]

Ok Patrick's dream was one of my first go's at the horror genre in earnest so I hope it was at least a little scary (it scared me sitting at the computer in the middle of the night, with the house creaking and tree's scratching windows and such).

Another thing - don't all rush to tell me that Gerard's grandma's name is not Helena. I know that. I just wasn't willing to evoke the memory of his dearly passed away grandma for this fic. I'm willing to do a lot of things (it turns out lol), turn boys gay, kill off people I really like but that's all in good fun and I’m pretty sure the people i do it to would be cool with that (as they are stories after all and other have done worse). But I don’t want to mess with something precious like her memory. So Gerard’s grandma’s character in this fic I have made more of a sort of mother figure (and you will understand that better later) as well as an artistic inspiration and have not really based her on Gerard’s grandmother at all. Some thing’s Gerard has said about her I have taken into account but I really want to point out that it is not my intention for her to be seen as Gerard’s real grandma. I feel very strongly about this.

And actually i think that's all i have to comment on about this chapter exept i hope it's enjoyed XD
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elmoisemo6's avatar
This is amazing!